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How to eat stress: a list of ideal foods

Анита ЛуценкоАнита Луценко

How to eat stress: a list of ideal foods
How to eat stress: a list of ideal foods

When we are stressed, and obviously we are stressed for days at a time... it makes sense to eat this stress not with sweets and rolls, which will eventually lead to even more stress, which must be eaten again, but replaced with something less traumatic.

Watching the news...cut a plate with a bunch of carrots, peppers, celery..... and chew it. In fact, we don't care what we put in ourselves at this moment, especially when our attention is not on food. Solid food will help reduce tension, your hands are busy, you chew, it crunches and it's good, at least you're not harming your health.

If you're worried about the quality of vegetables in winter, then take sauerkraut or something else. At least it won't contain the most harmful trans fats, which are 100 percent in sweets and definitely do the most harm.