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In Crimea, as a result of a missile attack, the Russian air defense base on Mount Ai-Petri was damaged, there are victims

Bylim Olena

In Crimea, as a result of a missile attack, the Russian air defense base on Mount Ai-Petri was damaged, there are victims
Air defense systems on Mount Ai-Petri

On the night of May 13, as a result of a missile attack in Crimea, a military base of the Russian occupiers was hit on Mount Ai-Petri. It is known in advance that the commander of the military unit and a serviceman who worked with air defense systems were killed.

According to the ASTRA Telegram channel, the rocket attack took place at around 6 o'clock in the morning. "Several rockets (probably Storm Shadow) attacked military unit 85683 on Mount Ai-Petri in Crimea," the message reads.

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ASTRA notes that in the area of the "white domes" of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory there is a "secret" air defense base of the third radio engineering regiment of the Russian Armed Forces. This is a military formation within the radio engineering forces of the Russian Air Force. It was formed in 2014 on the basis of the 40th radio engineering brigade of the Air Force of Ukraine. The headquarters is located in the city of Sevastopol.

"As a result of the missiles hitting the territory of the military unit, the territory of the military unit was damaged, the commander of military unit 85683 Oleksandr Kulakov and another serviceman were killed. There are also wounded, their number is being specified," the channel writes.

It is noted that the Radio-Technical Center for Remote Intelligence and Guidance of Air Defense Forces is located on the top of Mount Ai-Petri. They are disguised under the domes of protective radar structures. On the mountain, the occupiers set up a military camp for those who service these facilities.

We will remind, on May 13, in Sorokynoy (Krasnodon) in the Luhansk region, an attack on the headquarters of Russian militants took place.

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