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This is bearing fruit: the Armed Forces began to work with Western weapons on the territory of the Russian Federation

Anastasia Kryshchuk

This is bearing fruit: the Armed Forces began to work with Western weapons on the territory of the Russian Federation
The armed forces began to attack the Russian Federation with weapons that were transferred by the West. Source: ABACA/EAST NEWS

Yuriy Fedorenko, who heads the "Achilles" battalion as part of the 92nd Separate Mechanized Brigade, reported during the broadcast of the telethon about the rethinking of tactics by the enemy in the Kharkiv direction. All because of the fact that the Armed Forces have new opportunities to strike with Western weapons on the territory of the Russian Federation.

"In connection with the granting of permission to use the entire nomenclature of weapons on the territory of the Russian Federation - precisely where the enemy keeps his reserves, where he accumulates lightly armored and armored vehicles, from where he conducts damage, in particular, the city of Kharkiv, using the S-300 and S- 400, where the enemy has a huge number of different means of electronic warfare, electronic reconnaissance, air defense... The defense forces have started to work, and this is bearing the first fruits Kharkiv region. Because in connection with the complex work of the Defense Forces with the use of fire means, the enemy is currently suffering significant losses in everything - both in manpower, and in equipment, and in means," said Fedorenko.

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He notes that over the past week, the Ukrainian military was able to stabilize the situation in difficult areas of the front line in the Kharkiv region.

"If we say Strilecha - Hlyboke - the situation is fully stabilized. The defense forces are working to improve their position. And this means that they are knocking out the enemy from the positions he occupies. In addition, systematic work is being carried out to destroy the enemy's reserves, as well as lightly armored and armored vehicles. other means by which the enemy is trying to act, in particular, on the territory of the Russian Federation, by raising its reserves, as well as exerting fire influence on our positions. If we talk about Vovchansk, then the situation is a bit more complicated so that the enemy has no further success," said the combatant.

Also, according to Fedorenko, the arsenal of weapons intended for repelling enemy forces, which Ukraine receives as part of military aid from the United States, continues to be replenished.

"Our guns have already started firing much more today, because the logistics are already working and, objectively, the Defense Forces have more ammunition. But the maximum accumulation, the maximum concentration will take place in about a month and a half, when we will be able to exert the most powerful fire impact on the enemy ", the commander of the "Achilles" battalion predicts.

We will remind, earlier UAportal wrote that in Soledar, HIMARS hit the Knauf factory, where 200 brigade of occupiers were based.

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